Contact Form Shortcodes
See The Shortcodes
[raw] |
Your Name: |
Your Email: |
Your Phone: |
Write Your Message: |
[/raw] |
More Secure
One more BIG feature: the mail to address isn’t specified in the shortcodes, it’s in the theme options, held server side. What’s the big deal? Most themes have the address that the form sends mail to as an option of the shortcode, and therefore it’s in the HTML sent to the mailing script via a variable. Mail forms that receive the address to mail to that way can be abused by spammers by using your mail script on your server as a spam mule for sending their spam. They do it because when a domain sends a lot of spam mail services start to blacklist any email from that domain as spam (including your email addresses). So spammers don’t want to use their own domain…and most themes let them use yours! This isn’t something that doesn’t happen often either. Spammers have scripts that search the web for these poorly conceived contact forms and abuse them regularly, you just don’t know it’s happening until people start seeing mail from you show up in there spam folder (or not show up at all!). So be safe and start asking more theme developers to take precautions against mailing script abuse!