Maps, Charts, & Ad Shortcodes
Google Maps:
Google maps lets you insert an actually google map right on your page. Setting it up can take some work though! Google requires you to manually give lattitude/longitude coordinates for things. But don’t fear! The documentation explains easy tricks for finding all this stuff! Again, we put it inside a box shortcode because it just looks nice, but you can use it anywhere!
See The Shortcodes
[raw] [/raw]
[raw] [/raw] |
[raw][/raw] |
Google Charts:
Google charts lets you insert charts generated by google. You will need to read about google’s chart capabilities and how to set things up. So this is a shortcode few will use. But for those that understand google charts, it’s here for you!
See The Shortcodes
[raw] [/raw]
[raw][/raw] |
Google Adsense:
This is actually nothing more than doing the same thing as a “raw” tag and you paste in the adsense code. But it is helpful to have it have it’s own shortcode name so that you can keep organized in wordpress.
[raw]Copy 'n paste your google adsense code here.[/raw]
Custom Ad Groups:
Yes, we give you custom advertisement bar abilities! You can use an “ad_group” shortcode to create an ad bar, and then fill it with ad_image or ad_code shortcodes to show your ads.